“No energy can be made available as quickly as renewable energies, if only we want to”.
– Hermann Scheer (2006)
We are making solar energy fit for the future.
Since 2005, we have been steadily increasing the efficiency of photovoltaics and simultaneously reducing their cost. This is our means to an end: positive research outcomes that directly benefit industry and thus also the whole of society. We set global standards and share our knowledge and expertise with industry as well as with young talents from all nations. We do this because at ISC Konstanz we have only one ultimate goal – to make clean solar energy affordable and accessible around the globe. This is the only way the energy transition can succeed.
Research for a sunny future!
Employees at
ISC Konstanz
Achieved solar
cell efficiency*
*in industrial manufacturing
ramped up PV-production
fertige Einzell Laminate – finished single cell laminates
fertige Einzell Laminate – finished single cell laminates
automatischer Stringer mit IBC Solarzellen – automatic stringer with IBC solar cells
automatischer Stringer mit IBC Solarzellen – automatic stringer with IBC solar cells
Beschickung am vollautomatischen Stringer – loading at fully automated stringer
Beschickung am vollautomatischen Stringer – loading at fully automated stringer
Herstellung von Sondermodulen – production of special modules
Herstellung von Sondermodulen – production of special modules
Hochtemperaturöfen im Reinraum – High temperature clean room furnaces
Hochtemperaturöfen im Reinraum – High temperature clean room furnaces
Einstellungen, Siebdruckanlage – Adjustments, screen printer
Einstellungen, Siebdruckanlage – Adjustments, screen printer
Qualitättskontrolle, Wafer nach PECVD – Quality control, wafer after PECVD
Qualitättskontrolle, Wafer nach PECVD – Quality control, wafer after PECVD
Schaltschrank – Energiezentrale – Control cabinet – energy center
Schaltschrank – Energiezentrale – Control cabinet – energy center
Ladestation mit Brennstoffzellenunterstützung – Charging station with fuel cell support
Ladestation mit Brennstoffzellenunterstützung – Charging station with fuel cell support