Date: November 23, 2020 at 5:17 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
Event: Introductory and info evening “17 goals for Constance”.
Description: For committed groups and intitiatives we inform online in the first round about the event planned for 2021 on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Constance is also called upon to participate in the implementation of the 17 Global Sustainability Goals adopted by the UN!
In the series of events “17 Goals for Constance” in May and June 2021, we will – gladly together with you – elaborate on the importance of the goals for the future of the urban and global society.
You always wanted to know more about the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals?You would like to cooperate or network with other initiatives, associations and organizations in a meaningful way about this? You would like politics, administration and business to work more with civil society in the area of the 17 Goals?You want concrete results on how Constance can and will implement the 17 Goals?
Then join us!
It is of great value and benefit to Constance, and thus to all of us, if you contribute your interest and experience to the design of this
series of events!
We want to discuss how we can all get involved with you on 11/23/20.
Please register here by 11/19/20: Monika.Sarkadi(at)
Your planning group:
Sabine Schmidt-Halewicz – Naturschule Bodensee e.V.
Barbara Mayer – independent biologist
Sylva Heinzler – Steering Committee Network Citizen Engagement and
Constance Alliance for Fair World Trade
Monika Sarkadi – ISC Konstanz e.V. / ProAmazonia Konstanz e.V.
17 Ziele – Abschlussbroschüre