BCworkshop2022 – 21.-22.November 2022 in Konstanz
Dear Back-Contact Technology Believers, Dear PV Friends,
join our BCworkshop2022 November 21-22 in Konstanz: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6991276291681329152/
The program is online: https://www.backcontact-workshop.com/programme/
Register now: https://www.backcontact-workshop.com/registration/
Many thanks to our sponsors COPPRINT, ENDURANS, EUROTRON, FUTURA SUN, MONDRAGON ASSEMBLY, RENA and RCT SOLUTIONS as well as our media partner PV MAGAZINE for supporting our workshop. This shows once more how important this technology will become for future PV deployment.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Konstanz soon,
Rado and Organizers